Excellent surprise! I had not planned to visit these 2 exhibitions, but took advantage of the cultural life of these 2 towns I travelled to: a splendid van Gogh in Arles, and a very small but interesting Schiele exhibition in Tulln an der Donau.
Being in Arles, it would have been a pity not to visit the exhibition Van Gogh en Provence : la tradition modernisée, organized by the very active Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles. Some 30 paintings from all creation periods of the Dutch genius. Pure joy!
I wished to spend part of my summer holidays getting to know better certain parts and towns of Austria, including Tulln an der Donau, birthplace of Egon Schiele, which is home to several interesting monuments, some dating from ancient Rome, and of a museum dedicated to the expressionist painter, the Egon-Schiele-Museum, which hosted an exhibition of (very) early works – from the teenage years of the Austrian genius – logically entitled Frühe Gemälde. It was enlightening to see the evolution of the young artist, and the birth of his future style with the sunflowers which ended this learning period.
Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles